
Each spring, Montgomery College Summer Dinner Theatre accepts applications for internships for our summer season. Applicants must have at least one year of college and have some experience in the area for which they apply. All interns have a mentor who is a professional in their field. Three (3) academic credits can be earned for the internship. See detailed information about each internship below.
The internship program begins in mid-May and ends approximately one week after the final show.
Intern Opportunities and Information
3 Academic credits + Stipend
The Choreography intern will work with one or both choreographers involved in Summer
Dinner Theatre. The intern may also function as Dance Captain and/or perform in one
of the productions. The intern will be responsible for the following:
- Working with the choreographers on developing the dances, teaching the dances and rehearsing the dances.
- Researching any period style of dance and movement in the productions as required by the choreographers.
- Assist in dance auditions and is expected to attend meetings as scheduled.
- Be available to work with the choreographer for all prep sessions.
- Assist with the staging of the final, full-company number of the cabaret.
The intern may choreograph a number to be auditioned for the cabaret performed on the last weekend of performances. As with all the interns, the choreography intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole. A candidate for this internship should have a dance and musical theatre performance background. The intern should also have good communication skills as well as a strong desire to learn about choreographing large scale musicals. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre Auditions
End Date: Thursday after final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: may be irregular due to the nature of the job, but generally, Monday through Friday,
3–11 p.m., plus weekends and other hours relating to specific rehearsal schedules.
Primary Supervisor(s): Choreographer
Secondary Supervisors: Artistic Directors and Production Manager
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in this position will assist the costume shop manager and the costume designer in all the technical aspects related to costumes in both Summer Dinner Theatre shows. The intern will have the following responsibilities:
- Assist in managing a working costume shop and stockroom.
- Maintain show records.
- Track the borrowing and lending of stock.
- Supervising the use of and maintaining shop equipment and supplies.
- Learning and applying sewing techniques specific to theatre and all aspects of sewing related to building costumes for theatre, including; taking measurements, draping, pattern drafting, cutting, fitting, altering, millinery, wig styling, and make up.
- Supervising wardrobe by managing running crews and trouble shooting during the shows, organizing dry cleaning and laundry and learning about fabric and costume care.
- Coordinating with other technical and artistic staff as required for each production
- Attend meetings as scheduled.
The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole.
A candidate for this internship is expected know how to sew by hand and using a machine. In addition the candidate must be reliable, organized and have a strong desire to learn about costuming for the stage. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre class
End date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m.; plus one hour prior to the start of every
performance until ½ hour after the end of every performance.
Supervisor: Costume Shop Manager and Costume Designer
Secondary Supervisor: Production Manager
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in this position will assist the Director(s) of one or both Summer Dinner Theatre productions. Duties and responsibilities may include:
- Assist in the creation and coordination of the rehearsal schedules
- Participate in the discussions at the casting session for Summer Dinner Theatre
- Serve as Dramaturge for one or both productions
- Work with actors on memorization of lines and blocking
- Coach actors on scenes
- Stand in for actors who may have a schedule conflict during rehearsal
- Attend meetings as scheduled
- Take notes for the Director(s) during run-through, technical and dress rehearsals
- Assist the Stage Manager(s) in setting up and running rehearsals
- The possibility to be given a scene or part of a scene to stage and develop
As with all the interns, the directing intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole.
A candidate for this internship should have some musical theatre performance background. The intern should also have good communication skills as well as a strong desire to learn about directing large scale musicals. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre Auditions
End Date: Thursday after final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: may be irregular due to the nature of the job, but generally, Monday through Friday,
3–11 p.m. plus weekends and other hours.
Primary Supervisor(s): one or both directors
Secondary Supervisors: Artistic Directors and Production Manager
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in lighting will assist the Lighting Designer and the Theatre Technician in the design and execution of both productions. Responsibilities include:
- Helping to train students in programming and running the light board and in the operation of follow spots.
- May serve as the board operator for one or both productions.
- Will serve as Master Electrician for both productions and supervise students in the Light Hang/Focus and strikes.
- Maintaining the lighting inventory and any rental packages for the summer.
- Working with the other production departments on wiring and operation of practicals.
- Cleaning and bench focusing lighting instruments prior to hang.
- Changing lamps and gels during the runs.
- Hanging and maintaining the lighting in the buffet area.
- Trouble-shoot lighting problems during the runs of the shows.
- Restoring the house plot at the end of the summer.
The intern will have the opportunity to learn the design processes for lighting and to refine technical skills in this area. The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation of the experience. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole. A candidate for this internship should have some experience in lighting (programming experience is preferred) and a strong desire to learn about design and execution of lighting for musical theatre. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre class
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m., plus weekends for technical rehearsals
and performances and other times as needed. Schedule for the early weeks will be very
Primary Supervisors: Lighting Designer and Theatre Technician
Secondary Supervisor: Production Manager
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in this position will assist the Props Designer with the acquisition and building of all hand and set props for both productions, in consultation with the Scenic Designer and the two Directors. Responsibilities include:
- Attend production meetings and other meetings as scheduled.
- Assist the Stage Managers in providing rehearsal props for both productions.
- Assist the Props and Scenic Designers in planning and acquiring set dressings and furniture.
- Manage the props crews for each production.
- Work closely with the Technical Director in managing the properties budget and petty cash.
- Maintaining the props storage room and the props box and keeping these areas organized.
- Setting up the prop tables and for tracking all props during the technical rehearsals and performances.
- Locking up the props after each rehearsal and performance.
- Assist in the return of all borrowed and/or rented props after each show has closed.
The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole.
A candidate for this internship should have a creative approach to problem solving and an interest in learning all the aspects of theatrical props, including how they relate to other departments. A valid driver’s license and a vehicle are strongly preferred. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Early May, prior to auditions, if possible
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m. and other times, as needed, to shop. Must
attend all production meetings, designer runs, technical rehearsals, performances
and strikes.
Supervisor: Props Designer
Secondary Supervisors: Production Manager and Scenic Designer
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in sound will assist the Sound Designer and Theatre Technician in the design and execution of sound for both productions. Responsibilities include:
- Supervise students in the sound instillation and strikes.
- Helping to train students in running the sound systems.
- Running the sound board for one or both productions.
- Maintaining the sound equipment inventory and any rental equipment for the summer.
- Setting up and taking down microphones before and after each performance.
- Working with the costume department and the actors to ensure efficient use of body microphones.
- Running a sound check before each dress rehearsal and performance.
- Working with the Musical Directors on the orchestra setup and strike.
- Ensuring good communication between the Sound Designer and all other departments.
- Coordinating with the Lighting and Set departments on the placement of any hanging mics or onstage monitors.
- Making sure that all needed communication systems (headsets, walkie-talkies and video communications) are in place and operating for technical rehearsals and performances.
- Trouble-shooting sound problems during the shows.
- Attending meetings as scheduled.
The intern will have the opportunity to learn the process for theatrical sound design and to refine technical skills in this area. This is a partial internship, with the possibility of expanding to a full internship by doing additional work in another area.
The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write and evaluation of the experience. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole. A candidate for this internship should have some experience in sound and a strong desire to learn about design and execution of sound for musical theatre. The ability to read music is preferred. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: First day of Summer Dinner Theatre class
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m. plus weekends for technical rehearsals
and performances and other times as needed. Schedule for the early weeks will be very
Primary Supervisor: Sound Designer
Secondary Supervisors: Production Manager
3 Academic credits + Stipend (Two internships are available in this area)
An intern in this position will gain hands-on experience in all (or most of) the functions of a professional Stage Manager. There will be one Stage Management Intern for each production. The intern will be responsible for running all rehearsals. These responsibilities include:
- Taping out the set in rehearsal spaces and preparing the spaces prior to each rehearsal.
- Keeping rehearsals on schedule and calling breaks when needed.
- Keeping all blocking in the prompt book and noting lines that actors consistently miss.
- Providing and tracking all rehearsal props; tracking all actor schedule conflicts.
- Restoring the rehearsal space after each rehearsal.
- Working with the campus security office to have rehearsal spaces opened prior to rehearsals and locked afterward.
- Creating and distributing a rehearsal report after each rehearsal.
The intern will be responsible for running all performances. These responsibilities include:
- Making sure all actors and technicians are where they need to be and prepared to run the show.
- Calling all lighting, sound and other technical cues in the show as designed.
- Giving time cues (half-hour, fifteen minutes, places, etc.) to all cast, crew and staff prior to the show and at intermission.
- Working with the house management and the Company Manager(s) to start each act of the show in a timely manner.
- Keeping track of any problems that may occur during the run and making sure they are solved.
- Creating and distributing a performance report after each show.
- Creating pre-show and post-show checklists to make sure all props, costumes, etc. are in working order and properly placed or stored.
The intern will have managerial duties. These include:
- Setting up audition space and assisting in running the auditions and call backs.
- Working with the Technical Director to create crew lists and to manage those crews.
- Supervising and training Assistant Stage Managers.
- Making sure actors meet all deadlines and calls for fittings, program bios, photo calls, etc.
- Working with the Director to plan and run photo calls.
- Working with the Director and Production Manager to plan and run all production meetings and taking and distributing notes from those meetings.
- Creating and maintaining a prompt book of the production.
- Serving as a conduit of information between the director and other members of staff.
- Helping to run at least one area of strike.
- Assisting in the clean up following the close of the season.
- Collecting and arranging for the return of rented scripts and scores.
The Stage Manager for each show will be expected to assist the other Stage Manager throughout the summer. The intern will create a Stage Manager’s Kit and will leave a copy of the prompt book with Summer Dinner Theatre.
The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole. The Stage Manager for the first show is expecting to participate in some capacity on the second show.
It is the intention of Summer Dinner Theatre to provide an experience as close as possible to a professional stage management experience for the intern, within the limitations of the program and the intern’s experience level. A candidate for this internship should have some experience in stage management – the ability to read music is preferred. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre Auditions
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m., plus weekends and other (earlier and
later) times. Must attend all production meetings, staff meetings, rehearsals, performances
and strikes
Final Week Schedule: Monday through Thursday, noon–6 p.m.
Supervisors: director of the show to which the intern is assigned; Production Manager and Artistic
3 Academic credits + Stipend
Working in the offices of the Artistic Director and Producer, this internship offers hands-on experiential learning in the infrastructure, processes, and best practices of administering a large educational theatre program with opportunities to learn from and interact with all SDT staff and participants, from Directors to cast and crew.
Responsibilities include:
- Attend all meetings as scheduled, participating and taking notes. Upon review by ADs, notes are distributed to admin and production staff.
- With ADs, create task lists for each department and follow until completion, assisting as necessary.
- Create and maintain all contact lists, class rosters, conflict sheets, updates and reports. Works closely with stage management to produce and review.
- Act as a liaison to all areas of production, working closely with all other interns and management.
- When appropriate, research and write background material and promotional material for AD, production, and directors.
- Assist the AD office in overseeing the management of the crews for each show and possibly assist managers as needed.
- Monitor work calls for actors who are not in rehearsal.
- Intern will represent the SDT Artistic Director and Producer offices and will demonstrate best practices in all communication, deportment and interaction, modeling leadership at all times.
- Intern will be expected to keep a portfolio with examples of their work, including notes, emails, spreadsheets, and tracking documents, and to write an condensed evaluation of their experiences, to be brought to the exit interview at the end of the summer.
- All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole.
A candidate for this internship should have:
- Strong organizational, communication and writing skills
- Familiarity with various computer applications such as Microsoft, Google workplace and excel or other spreadsheet applications.
- Have worked in two or more areas of theatre.
- If an MC student, must prove to be in good standing with the college in both financial and academic areas.
In addition the candidate should have good “people skills” and desire to learn about theatre management and artistic direction on large scale musicals.
All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre auditions, as available.
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m., plus weekends for technical rehearsals and performances. Must attend all interviews, meetings, rehearsals, performances as assigned.
Supervisor: Artistic Director/Assistant to the Artistic Director
3 Academic credits + Stipend
An intern in this position will assist the Production Manager in all technical aspects of both productions. Responsibilities include:
- Attend all meetings as scheduled.
- Supervise students in the construction, painting and instillation of scenery and props.
- Help train students on the use of tools.
- Assist in lighting, sound, costumes and other areas of production, when needed.
- When appropriate, research construction materials for cost, availability and use.
- Assist the Stage Managers and the TD in taping rehearsal spaces and scheduling crew calls for the productions.
- Assist the TD and SMs in choosing technical crews for the production and creating build schedules for the productions.
- Assist in supervision of rigging projects.
- Setting up and managing all the backstage areas for technical rehearsals and performances.
- Assist the SM in managing the crews for each show and will possibly manage all scene changes.
- Schedule work calls for actors who are not in rehearsal.
- The intern will be expected to keep a journal and write an evaluation at the end of the summer. All interns are expected to participate in other responsibilities to the Summer Dinner Theatre program as a whole.
A candidate for this internship should have strong organizational skills, have worked in two or more areas of technical theatre. In addition the candidate should have good people skills and desire to learn about production management and technical direction on large scale musicals. All interns are required to have a minimum of one year of college or equivalent experience.
Start Date: Prior to or on the first day of Summer Dinner Theatre Auditions
End Date: Thursday following final strike of Summer Dinner Theatre
Hours: Work hours will be determined based on the needs of the production. Generally, work
hours are late afternoon through 10:30 p.m., plus weekends for technical rehearsals
and performances. Must attend all technical interviews, production meetings, technical
rehearsals, performances and strikes
Supervisor: Production Manager
2025 Application - Deadline 3/8/25
BEFORE COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION: Review the 2025 calendar on the Student Information Page for the required time commitment. You will be part of the SDT program for the entire summer, even if your primary internship may be for one show or the other. You will also be asked to assist and support both shows, so please do list all conflicts from May 19 through July 31.
Apply for an Internship Position