2016-2021 AMP Implementation Updates (January 2019)
- Charge to the Committee
- Overview
- Outcomes for FY18
- Develop MC pathways towards degree/certification attainment
- Exploration of Best Practices and Communication
- Early College Program
- Expansion Plan
- Implementation Timeline FY19
The Academic Master Plan Initiative 5 work group recommended actions to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs on changes needed to advance the completion agenda and to deepen and expand the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) partnership programs particularly in dual enrollment and middle college. A three year plan has been developed to guide the work. This multi-year effort will result in meeting and exceeding the benchmarks required by the Academic Master Plan.
Initiative 5 has put into action the recommendations of the Academic Master Plan that advances the completion agenda, deepens, and expands the MCPS Partnership. Specifically, the Early College Initiative launched in the fall of 2018. The Early College program effectively advances the completion agenda by provide a diverse population with the opportunity for every student in Montgomery County to complete their high school graduation requirements and simultaneously earn an Associate of Arts or Science degree. The direct result is reduced cost to a degree and reduced time to a degree.
Selection of program specifically align the workforce needs of the county. The need for mathematics teachers informed the decision to offer the Associate of Arts Degree in Teaching Secondary Mathematics and the Associate of Science Degree in Mathematics as the kickoff programs. Notably, almost 50% of the inaugural class are students of color. This program has the potential of making significant inroads in addressing the need for people of color in STEM related careers in Montgomery County.
Co-Chair: Dr. Elena Saenz
Co-chair: Ms. Amy Crowley
Dr. Nawal Benmouna
Mr. Fred Evans
Dr. Genevieve Floyd
Ms. Yolandra Johnson
Mr. Guillermo Laya
Mr. Joshua Messite
Mr. Michael Sullivan
Mr. Akima Rogers*
Professor Chantal Vilmar
Ms. Angela Wright
Over 1500 students and parents attending recent information sessions learned about the additional 11 Early College degree programs that will launch in fall 2019.
The Middle College open houses also hosted record numbers of participants. In addition to the current General Studies degree option at Northwood HS and the General Engineering degree option at Northwest HS, this year we expanded the Northwest program to include General Studies and opened the program to students in the surrounding high schools.
The number of interest forms submitted for these programs far exceed the current capacity. As a result, MC and MCPS will also launch the Jump Start to College Pathway. This will provide those students interested in earning 30+ college credits while still attending their home high school. Although Jump Start will not result in an associate degree, it will get students halfway to that goal before graduating from high school.
It is time for bold and innovative ways to address the ways in which we move the needle on completion rates, the cost of college, and make inroads in closing the achievement gap. Early College, Middle College, and Jump Start to College address those goals in a new and innovative format. Using a social justice lens, Initiative 5 will look forward to continuing to explore ways to expanding the intellectual capital of all students.
For FY18, MCPS and MC achieved the following milestones for each of our key areas of partnership:
Revise current practices related to high school/college credit/course offerings
Revise MCPS REG to change credit awarded for 3 credit college course from .5 to 1.0 creditS
- Increase/promote opportunities for students to earn dual credit (giving high school credit for college courses)
- Allow college course offerings on high school campuses that may have a high school curriculum counterpart
- Identify high school courses for review by MC faculty that may qualify for college credit
- Identify college courses for review by MCPS faculty that may qualify for high school credit
- Ask MCPS CTE supervisors to identify additional college course offerings for Career and Technology Education (CTE) pathways
- Determine which MCPS practices may be revised for spring ‘18 implementation
- Review communication plans to include revising and sending letter as early as the fall to parents regarding new DE options and benefits of DE
- Ask superintendent to communicate with principals changes related to college course offerings and credit for MCPS students
- Communicate changes related to college course credit with counselors
Develop MC pathways towards degree/certification attainment
- Seek direction from MC and MCPS leaders regarding specific programs to begin FY19
- Develop budget associated with Early College model and average cost for students to take a college course at MC
- Develop new pathways to be promoted for Early College options at each MC campus
- Begin development of multiple MC pathways to include CTE and general education
- Collaborate on the development and promotion of extended World Language and Fine Arts college courses
- Use grant funds to collaborate on dual enrollment planning of P-TECH program at Clarksburg High School
Exploration of Best Practices and Communication
- Identify options that promote a shared balance of financial responsibility between MC and MCPS to reduce cost to students
- Benchmark school districts in the state and their agreements related to high school teachers teaching college courses
- Work with communication officers to develop website and PR campaign for dual enrollment options
- Develop and implement Early/Middle College website by MC
- Work with MCPS’s Office of School Support and Improvement and MCPS’s Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement to inform principals and counselors of dual enrollment changes
- Collaborate with MCPS’s Office of Shared Accountability and MC’s Office of Institutional Research to develop a process to identify and collect data points on effectiveness of efforts
The Early College Program is a collaboration between MCPS and MC, which provides the opportunity for every student in Montgomery County to complete their high school graduation requirements and simultaneously earn an Associate of Arts or Science degree. Students enter the program as juniors and complete their junior and senior year of high school by taking college courses exclusively on an MC campus. Although we have other successful dual enrollment programs, this program directly addresses capacity issues. By hosting students on the College campus, the College is able to provide greater numbers of students a college experience that it cannot provide at an individual high school location.
When deciding the academic programs that would be offered as part of the Early College initiative, special consideration was given to the workforce needs of the county. The need for mathematics teachers informed the decision to offer the Associate of Arts Degree in Teaching Secondary Mathematics and the Associate of Science Degree in Mathematics as the kickoff programs. In the fall of 2018, 49 students began taking classes on the Rockville campus in one of these two degree offerings. Special supports have been put in place to ensure the success of each students. In cooperation with student services, a summer bridge program was developed to address issues of transition to the college environment. Individualized math support was also provided. Notably, almost 50% of the inaugural class is African American, Black, or Latino. This program has the potential of making significant inroads in addressing the need for people of color in STEM related careers in Montgomery County.
The expansion plan for early college is underway with the addition of the following degree programs for the fall 2019 semester:
- Associate of Arts in Teaching Secondary Education, Mathematics
- Associate of Science, Mathematics Track
- Associate of Arts, Business
- Associate of Arts, Computer Science and Technologies
- Associate of Applied Science, Cybersecurity
- Health Science Degree Options
- Associate of Applied Science, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Associate of Applied Science, Physical Therapist Assistant
- Associate of Applied Science, Surgical Technology
- Associate of Applied Science, Radiologic Technology
- Associate of Science, Nursing
- Associate of Science, Biological Science We anticipate upwards of 300 students participating in early college in the fall 2019 semester and over 600 students by the fall of 2020.
We anticipate these enrollments coupled with other partnership efforts such as middle college will result in over 1,000 new full time students by fall of 2020.

- Revise and update as needed any current MCPS Dual Enrollment Practices
- Diversifying available degrees in the Early College Program
- Explore Best Practices
- Develop structured guided pathway for high school students who are not participating in Early College or Middle College, that decrease the time and cost of degree.