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Goals, Strategies, and Outcomes

While it is the Intended Outcomes that are the north star of our work, the Strategic Plan is organized around four overarching and interlocking Goals with the intent of making the Montgomery College’s vision a reality. The order of the Goals is not intended to imply any prioritization, but rather they reflect a student’s relationship with the College, which begins first in the community (Goal 1), then at the College (Goal 2 and Goal 3), and then back in the community (Goal 4).   

These Goals are achieved by the many activities which enact the twenty-nine Supporting Strategies. 

These activities are intended to result in the achievement of twenty-two critical Intended Outcomes and we will track the impact of the work and progress through twenty-one standardized Indicators. 

It is important to note that while the Supporting Strategies, Intended Outcomes, and Indicators are presented organized by Goal here, that the many actions and strategies support multiple Outcomes that cut across Goals and many Indicators reflect progress toward more than one goal. Similarly, Supporting Strategies are not exhaustive of the list all the initiatives that are underway to reach the Intended Outcomes and the Indicators are not the only way in which we are sure we’re tracking progress. 

Goals will be actualized by Supporting Strategies that lead to Intended Outcomes, which are tracked by Indicators.


Goal 1: Enhance connections between Montgomery College and our community 

Goal 2: Cultivate a sense of belonging for everyone at the College 

Goal 3: Enhance educational and organizational effectiveness 

Goal 4: Increase economic impact for our students and community 

The Montgomery College Germantown Campus